Lena chooses to indulge herself in a city that understands the high life like no other. From the moment she leaves her home in Sydney, she is treated like aristocracy: she is driven to the airport and around Beirut in fancy cars. She stays in lavish hotels and dines in the finest restaurants. She sails the Mediterranean seas on a luxury boat and parties in the world’s most prestigious night clubs. And she does it all carefree, thanks to Beirut Bound’s commitment to going above and beyond for their customers.

Sound like a tour for you? Get the high profile treatment today! When it comes to extravagance, Beirut sets the bar high, as the Lebanese people are experts at living it up and treating themselves. Choose one or all of our tour services:
- High End Hotels
- Luxury Transportation
- High End Clubs and Rooftop Bars
- Gourmet Restaurants
- Gourmet Food Tour
- Spa Days
- Shopping Tour
- Sailing
Always enjoy luxury worry-free with my carbon offset promises:
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